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Celebration as students receive A level results!

Date Published:
Thursday 18 August 2022
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  • Clive
  • Amy
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  • Clive
  • Amy
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Today we are once again celebrating a superb set of A level results. Despite the turbulence of the last two years in education, it is a further set of grades and more stories of achievement that highlight the fundamental principles at the heart of our sixth form.

An impressive 50% of all grades were awarded at B or above, with 25% of grades at A and above and 11% of all grades at A*. 82% of all grades were at C or above and the A level pass rate was 100%. 59% of all BTEC grades were awarded as Distinctions or Distinction*, the top two grades possible.

Each of our students have achieved something impressive in their own way but special mention is due to Ben Arundel, Kirsty McLachlan, Lewis Porter and Clive Whetstone.

  • Ben achieved a clean sweep of A* grades in biology, chemistry and maths and will now take up a place at the University of Cambridge to study veterinary science.
  • Kirsty achieved A*s in English literature and art and As in history and music and is now going on to read music at Churchill College, University of Cambridge.
  • Lewis will be studying Engineering at Loughborough after securing A*s in maths and art and grade As in further maths and physics.
  • Clive is off to Lancaster University to study Maths, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics (MORSE) after his A*s in maths and further maths and As in product design and physics.

This cohort of students, unlike any who have gone before them, took their A level exams without ever completing an official national exam at aged 16. They faced a Year 12 of lockdowns, self-isolation and uncertainty, and prepared for their final A level exams without any experience of doing the same at GCSE level.

Nevertheless, what we celebrate today are the same qualities and principles that we are privileged to see every year from our sixth form students. A determination to succeed and be the best that they can be. An unwillingness to be beaten by obstacles. The openness to listen and learn, and a sense of community that ensures students are driven by a desire for collective success. A compassion and maturity that accepts everyone for who they are and recognises that teams are stronger than individuals. 

Dr Simon Henderson, Head of Sixth Form, said: "It is the consistent ability to combine these principles with the natural talents that they possess that have helped our students arrive at this results day. We celebrate who they are and how they have grown as people over the last two years. Their accomplishments are represented by so much more than the qualifications they have achieved, and we could not be more proud of them."