Whatever your future plans, being able to lead and motivate people will make you valuable and successful. We make the most of our main school students to provide opportunities to develop these vital leadership skills by actively encouraging sixth formers to mentor and support our younger students.
Our Sixth Form Council can be a forum to enhance your CV and put your negotiating and organisational skills to the test. Those with a particular passion can run for head boy or head girl and work alongside the senior team to shape the future direction of the sixth form.
Each subject nominates a ‘lead learner’; a passionate person who is an advocate for their subject. They play a key role in the promotion and development of a subject area. Each lead learner has a role unique to the subject - we’ll play to your strengths but also push you out of your comfort zone. Becoming a lead learner provides outstanding personal development opportunities and some excellent perks like supporting younger students on overseas trips and with geography field work or taking part in the biology Olympiad.