Bus timetables

Bus timetables

On this page you'll find details of the contracted school buses as well as the regular service buses and the new Arriva service from Darlington, please be sure to scroll all the way down for full information on all services.

September 2024 travel updates

Durham County Council have been working with local bus companies to provide additional services to allow more students to travel on busses dedicated to our students - if you usually travel on a bus which also includes other members of the public please see details below:

  • 871 from Startforth: Bus service no longer runs.
  • 95/96 from Romaldkirk/Mickleton: Students are now permitted to use this service.
  • 85 from West Auckland: There will be a duplicate bus the 83 which runs from Cockfield to School (and not West Auckland).
  • X75/X76 (Arriva route): This will run as a student-only bus on the full route from/to Darlington at the normal times

Please note: 

  • Please sit with other students from the same year group on school transport.
  • Enhanced cleaning will take place on all dedicated school transport before and after each journey.
  • Please see detailed guidance by Durham County Council.


Arriva Darlington service

Arriva operate a service between Darlington and Barnard Castle (see the timetable below). Parents of students at Teesdale School and Sixth Form can buy their son/daughter an Arriva bus pass for £338 for the entire year by contacting Arriva on 0191 520 4144 or [email protected] Monday - Friday until 5pm.

You can also set up a direct debit for the service bus at: 

Arriva bus timetable